Collator MoonEntropy

Validator's address on


The Moonbeam network is open !

Here the address to stake on MoonEntropy collator
You do not know how ? Click on Delegate funds, everything is explained.

Delegate funds

Why choose MoonEntropy?

MoonEntropy is a validator for parachain Moonriver and Moonbeam

High availability

In order to ensure high availability, the validator is hosted in a data center ensuring 99.9% network availability and intervention on the server in less than an hour.


Means are in place to protect our system from denial of service attacks while allowing legitimate traffic to pass.

Backup validator.

If something goes wrong, another server in another data center is ready to take over.

Made in France

You love France and want to get started on Moonriver or Moonbeam? Start with us !


You have any questions, you can reach us on Discord : wploplin#9389, or Mail

A team of 3 people

We are a team of 3 people in different time zones for increased availability.